Book Design

Book Interior Design

A book interior is as much important as the front. When your readers actually start turning page for reading your book, book interior should play trump card that they pick your book.

Whether you’re publishing a simple text-driven book or have many images, charts, graphs, pull quotes and sidebars to include, we’ll make sure your book layout is consistent with the cover design, typographically attractive, readable and engaging.

Our experience with interior book layout ranges from the simple to the most complicated formats featuring various specialty printing and binding techniques. We’re invigorated by the challenge of making a book’s interior be as spectacular as its cover.

Book Cover Design

he cover is the first thing a potential reader sees and plays a crucial role in attracting attention. It includes the front cover, spine, and back cover, each requiring thoughtful design to convey the book's genre, tone, and content.

We’ll start the process of designing your cover by asking questions, reading your manuscript and researching your audience and competitive titles.

We’ll provide you with a range of custom cover designs to choose from, and will work with you to achieve the desired look that is right for your audience. And yes, books are judged by their covers.

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