Frequently Asked Questions

How often will I get the sales report of my novel ?
We provide sales report on the last working day of the month depending on your selected package.
What is the system for the royalty payment? How frequent will it be paid ?
The royalty will be transferred to your bank account or UPI Id and it will be paid annually, half-yearly, quatery or monthly depeding your on selected package.
Will the final book be published after my approval ?
We have a process that keeps authors in loop at each step. Before the approval of the author on the previous step, the next step is not initiated.
Will the cover of my book designed by my consent?
We have a full team of designers ready to support the authors. The cover will be designed with full consent with the author.
How long will it take for my book to hit the markets after the agreement is made ?
If all goes smooth, the book will hit the market within 6 Weeks of signing the agreement.
Who sets the price of my book ?
The price of the book is set by us in traditional publishing and is set with the due consent of the author in the self publishing method.
Do I need to come to the office of InkQuills for signing the agreement ?
Since writers can be from any corner of India, we understand that it is not possible for everyone to visit us. So, the agreement will be sent to the author by mail or any other source. However, if someone wish to visit the office, the doors are always open.
How can I ensure that work is not copied or used elsewhere even if it is rejected ?
We believe in transparency and loyalty towards its authors and the people associated with it. We as a publisher respect each work we get for evaluation. So, you need not to worry about your work being copied from our side, it won’t be.
Will I be given reasons for rejection ?
Our editorial board has the final authority of accepting or declining a manuscript. The reasons are not disclosed.
Can I send the proposal again, once it is rejected ?
No. If the rejected manuscript is sent again, it will straight away be rejected by our editorial team.
How long will it take for the evaluation of my work ?
Our editors evaluate the work within a set time frame of 72 hours for primary evaluation keeping in front all the possibilities linked with the manuscript.
How do I send my proposals ?
The manuscripts can be sent to us over e-mail at [email protected]. We do not accept hard copies.
Who owns the rights to my book ?
You maintain the full rights to your book! We exist to help you reach the market via our distribution partners and act as a publishing label. Publishing with InkQuills is a non-exclusive publishing agreement. We don’t own any of your content and you can even publish it elsewhere if you wish by taking a NOC from us.
What will be the duration of contract that an author will sign ?
The contract will be signed for a minimum of 2 Years.
What are the package for self publishing ?
There are various publishing packages provided by INKQUILLS. We provide special service even to have customised Packages as per the authors requirement.